First and foremost! My code can be found in full here: where the dataset can be downloaded as a .csv-file as well.
Second and secondmost! All the manuscripts for each Friends-episode can be found in this github repository:
Alright! After I've added some R-profiles to my twitter feed I've gotten alot of posts about a weekly event called TidyTuesday where people upload cool plots they've made using R (and probably the library tidyverse) and I've noticed that alot of them are making cool "Network analysis plots". It might be because it's possible to make them look cool. Here's one for instance:
And somewhere in the mix a network analysis for friends-characters popped up (where I found the link to the manuscripts) and it got me inspired to do some text analysis - which I've been meaning to get into.
At first I tried to find the scripts for "Community" since I've been re-watching it since it appeared on Netflix - but I couldn't find a similar resource so I decided to go with friends instead.
The first thing I did was to extract all the links for each episode from the main repository. (This can be done with BeautifulSoup - but I've chosen not to) Since the links are neatly sorted into rows in the right order I decided to iterate through the page row to row saving each row in a list.
#getting html from main repository
main = ""
res = requests.get(main)
res = res.text # making a string of the request object.
res = cHtml(res) # replacing strings that should be encoded as symbols
res = res.splitlines() # create a list where each row is an item
In a similar way as with the Chelsea dataset I mostly use regular expressions to extract the information that I need. This is a process where I experiment - but when I was done I mostly used these regex's.
# ----- Regex's needed for finding each character's line per episode.
link_re = "(?<=\<a\shref\=\")(.*?)(?=\")" # Finding the link to the episodes
epi_re = "(?<=\"\>)(.*?)(?=\<)" # Finding the name of the episode
# --- Things to remove from strings to make sure the right things gets captured
clean1 = "\<a\sname.*?\>"
clean2 = "\<.*?\>"
# - Patterns to find rows that indicates a character line or a new scene.
t = "(?<=\<p)(.*?)(?=\<\/p)" #everything between <p and /p -> >"line"<
t2 = "Scene:|[A-Z]+[A-Z]\:.*?<" #the word string Scene: or everything including and after 2 (or more) capital letters followed by a : until a "<"
t3 = "Scene:|\<b\>.*?<" # The string Scene: or <b>some string<
# -------------------------
Then I create a dictionary where I save the name of each episode as a key a list with each line from each episode that is either information about a new scene or a line that a character says. A few other things are included also that I remove later on.
To fill the dictionary I iterate through the main repository and when I find a new episode I use the request module to download the html for each separate episode and filter out the information I'm interested in. Further information about what and how I'm doing it should be explained by comments in the code :-)
Episodes = {}
for line in res:
if "<li><a href=" in line and "outtakesFriends" not in line: # iterate through each line in res and find links for all episodes except the blooper one.
epi_link = main +, line).group(0) #finding the link to the episode in the main repository by using the link_re-regex
res2 = requests.get(epi_link)
res2 = res2.text.replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('strong>', 'b>').replace('B>', 'b>').replace('P>', 'p>').replace('I>', 'i>')
res2 = re.sub(clean1, "", res2) # removing all <a name(something)> from the texts.
res2 = cHtml(res2)
res2_list = re.findall(t, res2) #Finding all character lines and indication for a new scene in Most episodes.
if len(res2_list) < 50: # The episodes structured in this way will have Way more lines than 50 - so if there is less it's structured in a different way
res2 = res2.replace("<br>", "<").replace(
"<i>", "").replace("</i>", "").replace("</a>", "") #removing some unecissary html and creating a symbol "<" that i can reference later.
res3 = re.sub("\>\(.*?\)\<", "Scene:", res2) # Inserting "Scene:"-indications based on how it's structured in Most of the episodes that the first method didn't work for.
res2_list = re.findall(t2, res3) #A new try to find all scenes and character lines. -> This time with a new regex "t2".
if len(res2_list) < 50: #If it still didn't work this will catch the remaining episodes.
res2 = res2.replace("</b>", "") #remove <"/b" from the string.
res2_list = re.findall(t3, res2) #finds everything between <b> and "<" (which was created on line 74)
for i, s in enumerate(res2_list): #iterate through each index and resp. string in the res2_list
res2_list[i] = re.sub(clean2, "", s) #removes lingering html-tags
if ">" in res2_list[i]: #Splits in a remaining ">" to find the actual line.
res2_list[i] = res2_list[i].split(">")[1]
if "<" in res2_list[i]: #Splits in a remaining "<" (created on line 74) to find the actual line.
res2_list[i] = res2_list[i].split("<")[0]
Episodes[, line).group(0)] = res2_list #Creates a dictionary where the title of each episode is a key and the list of lines and scenes are are the corresponding value
When I have my dictionary it's time to filter out the lines that indicates new scenes and instead add that as a information in one of the columns in a dataframe I'm creating where each row is a line from a character in the show. - As can be seen in the code snippet above, all episodes are not structured in the same way which I handle with a couple of if-statements.
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["EpiNo", "EpiTitl", "Scene", "Character", "Line"]) #Creates an empty DataFrame
for key, lst in Episodes.items(): # Loop through keys and lists
scene = 0 #starting value to not get title as lines.
for i in range(0,len(lst)): #loop through whole list och lines and scenes
if "Scene:" in lst[i] or ("Scene:" not in lst[i] and "[at" in lst[i]) or (
"Scene:" not in lst[i] and "[Central" in lst[i]) or (
"Scene:" not in lst[i] and "(At" in lst[i]) or (
"Scene:" not in lst[i] and "(at" in lst[i]): #different types of indication for a new scene
scene += 1 # Add one when an indiciation of a new scene is found.
if scene > 0:
if "Scene:" not in lst[i] and ":" in lst[i]: #Find character lines
row = [key.split(" ", 1)[0], key.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() #Separate numbers from the name for each episode.
, scene, lst[i].split(":", 1)[0].strip() #Get the scene number and the name for the character (exceptions will get handled further down)
, lst[i].split(":", 1)[1].strip()] # Add the line the character says
row = pd.Series(row, index = df.columns) # make the list of information into a series
df = df.append(row, ignore_index=True) # append the series as a row in the dataframe
if scene == 0: #handle exception for episode with no indication for new scenes. (Mostly the same as above)
for i in range(0,len(lst)):
if ":" in lst[i] and "Originally written by Michael Curtis" not in lst[i]:
row = [key.split(" ", 1)[0], key.split(" ", 1)[1].strip(), "-", lst[i].split(":", 1)[0].strip(), lst[i].split(":", 1)[1].strip()]
row = pd.Series(row, index = df.columns)
df = df.append(row, ignore_index=True)
Boom! A DataFrame is created with the information I need. However, there is still alot of information that isn't "neat". So next up I need to "clean" my DataFrame. This consits of a few steps - mainly making sure that all lines of "Monica" has got "Monica" in the Character-column and not MNCA or MONICA to make further analysis easier.
I also remove some rows that include information that is not character lines and remove instructions to the actors that are sometimes included. (Further explanation is made with comments in the code)
Lastly I save my DataFrame as a .csv-file and print out a statement that tells me how many seconds the script took to run on my computer. (It's ~15 minutes!)
#--- Cleaning up the Character-column and dropping none-character-line.
df['Character'] = df['Character'].str.replace(r"\(.*\)","") #remove paranthesis and text inside them
df['Character'] = df['Character'].apply(lambda x: x.strip()) # remove lingering whitespace
df = df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True) #Drop na-values.
#finding index for Character-values that starts with a letter.
idx = []
for i in df.index:
if len(df["Character"][i]) > 0:
if str(df["Character"][i][0]).isalpha():
df2 = df.iloc[idx,:].reset_index(drop=True) #drop all rows that doesn't start with a letter and re-index the dataframe (as a new dataframe)
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: x.lower().title()) # Makes all names start with capital letters and the rest are lowercase.
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: x.replace(
"And ", ",").replace("& ", ",").replace("/", ", ").replace(" ,", ", ").replace(",,", ",")) #Clean upp values with multiple characters (and some exceptions)
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: "Amy" if x[0:3] == "Amy" else x) # Clean up Characters from an episode where the character "Amy" had alot of extra information connected to her name
def cRemover(x): #Handle the rest of the cases with multiple character or "," in them.
if x == "Mr., Mrs. Geller":
return ("Jack, Judy")
if x == "Buffay, The Vampire Layer":
return "Buffay - The Vampire Layer"
if x == "Rachel, Actress":
return "Rachel"
y = x.split(", ")
for i in y:
z = i.split()
if len(z) > 1:
return x.split()[0].replace(",", "")
x = x.replace("Actress, ", "Actress ").replace(", Shocked", "")
return x
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: cRemover(x) if "," in x else x) #- Run the above function
#- Handle a few cases where the character name was shortened.
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bRach\b', 'Rachel', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bChan\b', 'Chandler', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bPhoe\b', 'Phoebe', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bMnca\b', 'Monica', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bEstl\b', 'Estelle', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'\bRahcel\b', 'Rachel', x))
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: x if "," not in x else ", ".join(sorted(x.replace(",", "").split()))) #make the final step in formatting the values with multiple characters by separating them with a comma.
df2["Character"] = df2["Character"].apply(lambda x: x.replace("'S", "'s")) #fix Joey'S as Joey's
#remove instructions to actors from the lines (saving in a new column and keeping the instruction if there is a need for them)
df2["Line_cl"] = df2["Line"].str.replace(r"\(.*?\)","")
df2["Line_cl"] = df2["Line_cl"].str.replace(r"\[.*?\]","")
df2["Line_cl"] = df2["Line_cl"].str.replace(r"\*.*?\*","")
df2["Line_cl"] = df2["Line_cl"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x.replace('"', "").split()))
#removing lines that Only was instructions.
idx = []
for i in df2.index:
if len(df2["Line_cl"][i]) > 0:
df2 = df2.iloc[idx,:].reset_index(drop=True)
#-- Removing scenes from episode where 908 since I haven't found a smart way of finding the scenes in that episode yet.
df2.loc[df2.EpiNo == "908", 'Scene'] = "-"
df2.to_csv (r'friends.csv', index = False, header=True)
print("Done! This took %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
And there you have it! data from 227 episodes neatly stored in a DataFrame and ready for further analysis!